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Preliminary Credential Course List

  • EDTE 3000 (3) Intro to Education (waiver available): This course provides early field experience to candidates pursuing a Multiple or Single Subject Credential. Through this course, candidates are provided with opportunities to observe, firsthand, the various learning characteristics of diverse learners across educational settings and to actively participate in a variety of instructional delivery systems that serve diverse student populations. This course is designed to provide the prospective teacher with a frame of reference for further work and study in a professional teaching career. This course will be conducted using face-to-face seminars, a minimum of 45 hours of field experience in educational settings, and online learning. Completion or waiver of this course or EDTE 3100 is required for program admission.
  • EDTE 4100 (3) Teaching EL & Special Populations: This course is designed to promote foundational knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary for working with diverse learners. In particular, candidates will develop relevant knowledge an instructional skills necessary for responding to sociocultural, academic, cognitive, linguistic, and individual needs of all students in inclusive classrooms including English Learners, students with special needs, and gifted learners. The course also focuses on the landmark and current trends and practices in light of the principles of second language acquisition and bilingual discourse, the evolution of legal entitlements of English Learners and students with special needs, the integration of culturally conducive and equitable instructional and assessment differentiation, the implementation of new English Language Development and Common Core State Standards, along with relevant adaptations in lesson planning and delivery.
  • EDTE 3308 (3) Sociocultural Foundations of Ed (online): This course is a general introduction to American education and the profession of teaching. It includes the history of American education, the study of current issues including student diversity, theories and conditions in education, the requirements of the profession, as well as credentialing in America as it applies to a diverse, multicultural environment. This course will reinforce written communication skills focusing on personal reflection while exploring the diverse social experiences of public K-12 educational institutions. Prerequisites: Complete at least 45 units; prerequisite or corequisite A3. Satisfies general education requirement JYDR.
  • EDTE 4200 (3) Technology for Educators (online): This course is an introduction to using technology with emphasis on the enhancement of both technology as a tool to facilitate instruction and learning in the educational setting. Topics include technology concepts, use of technologies as a communication tool, instructional strategies, materials and adaptive technology for use with children with exceptionalities, digital citizenship, digital literacy and digital ethics as participants are introduced to a wide variety of K-12 hardware, software, websites and applications, and explore pedagogical issues raised by the use of computers for students, teachers and school administrators. This course meets the technology standards for the preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential.
  • EDSE 5100 (4) Classroom Management & Differentiated Instruction: This course addresses the psychological foundations in the teaching learning process, classroom management, and teaching diverse learners. The course is designed to prepare candidates to create a supportive and optimal learning environment for all students and to enable candidates to be conversant with current pedagogical theory and best practices employed by secondary teachers. The course topics include principles of classroom management, structuring the learning environment to maximize access to learning for all students, classroom procedures, standards-based lesson design, and issues related to professionalism and professional growth. Candidates are required to field experience with diverse students as a course requirement. Candidates must be admitted to the Single Subject Credential program to take this course.
  • EDSE 5200 (4) Methods for Teaching: This course is designed to enable candidates to be conversant with current pedagogical research and methods employed by junior and senior high school classroom teachers in their specific subject area. Candidates will demonstrate mastery of their content and best practices by incorporating them into lesson plans that they have designed and presented. Lesson plans will include strategies for working with unique populations, such as English Language Learners and students with special needs. The candidate will develop a Unit plan that will include the course-required lesson plan. Candidates will be required to consider aspects of technology, assessment, and behavior management when developing lesson plans designed specifically for the single subject classroom in their field of study. Candidates are required to complete field experience in their credential content area as a course requirement. Candidates must be admitted to the Single Subject Credential program to take this course. Candidates must have passed EDTE 4100 with a grade of C or better or be enrolled in EDTE 4100 concurrently
  • EDSE 5500 (4) Assessment for SS Teachers: This course is designed to enable candidates to be conversant with current pedagogical and assessment methods employed by single subject classroom teachers in their specific subject area. Candidates will analyze and develop classroom assessments as a means for guiding instruction. Candidates are required to complete field experience in their credential content area as a course requirement.
  • EDTE 4350 (3) TPA Cycle One: EDTE 4350 is for candidates to receive support and assistance on their first Teaching Performance Assessment – Learning About Students and Planning Instruction. Instructional Cycle 1 represents a complete teaching cycle (plan, teach and assess, reflect, and apply) for one content-specific lesson that you will develop and teach within a school placement. Candidates are expected to complete the task and submit it to the ETS testing center by the end of the semester.
  • EDTE 5800 (6) Intern/Resident Clinical Practice: This is a clinical practice course taken by candidates who have an intern teaching placement in a K-12 district as the teacher of record or are admitted to a residency program. Candidates will be supervised in their placement by a university supervisor in a public-school setting. Intern candidates will be required to log hours of support and supervision. Candidates must be admitted to the Multiple or Single Subject Credential Program.
  • EDSE 5400 (4) Education Psychology (online): This course focuses on theories of learning, motivation, and adolescent development. It explores the multiple factors that contribute to the complexity of teaching and learning in diverse learning communities. Candidates are required to complete field experience in their credential content area as a course requirement. Candidates must be admitted to the Single Subject Credential program to take this course.
  • EDSE 5300 (4) Literacy Across the Curriculum: This course is designed to acquaint prospective teachers with research-based information on adolescent literacy across content areas. Candidates will study an array of strategies and methods for guiding and developing content-based reading and writing abilities of all students, including students of varied reading levels and language backgrounds. Candidates are required to complete field experience in their credential content area as a course requirement. Candidates must be admitted to the Single Subject Credential program to take this course
  • EDTE 4360 (3) TPA Cycle Two: EDTE 4360 is for candidates to receive support and assistance on their second Teaching Performance Assessment – Assessment Driven Instruction. Instructional Cycle 2 represents a complete teaching cycle (plan, teach and assess, reflect, and apply). This cycle emphasizes the interaction between standards, assessment, and instructional decision making. Candidates are expected to complete the task and submit it to the ETS testing center by the end of the semester.
  • EDTE 5810 (8) Intern/Resident Final Clinical Practice: This is a clinical practice course taken by candidates who have an intern teaching placement in a K-12 district as the teacher of record or are in a residency program. Candidates will be supervised in their placement by a university supervisor in a public-school setting. Intern candidates will be required to log hours of support and supervision. Candidates must be admitted to the Multiple or Single Subject Credential Program.
  • Apply for Preliminary SS Credential
  • Secure employment
  • Enroll in MA coursework for summer session 
  • Teach for 3 years (service obligation)
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