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ALL coursework will be held at TCOE- Mooney building, CSU Fresno - Visalia Campus, and or virtually via ZOOM
EHD 50 (3) Intro to Teaching (waiver available: pre-program field experience form)
SPED 120 (3) Intro to Special Education
CI 100 (3) Educational Applications of Technology
(Pass scores on CBEST exam or equivalent as verified by transcript audit AND passing scores on Multiple Subject CSETs or equivalent as verified by transcript audit)
LEE 158 (3) - Literacy Foundations TK-8
LEE 159 (3) - Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Pedagogy in the TK-8 context
CI 176 (3) - Mathematics Instruction and Applied Assessment Classrooms
SPED 125* (3) - Positive Behavior and Social Supports
SPED 145 (3) - Special Education, Law and Ethics Seminar
SPED 111 (3) - GE Clinical Experience (3 days/week)
LEE 166 (3) -Disciplinary Literacies and Integrated Curriculum
SPED 130 (3) - Assessing Students with Special Needs
SPED 137 (4) - Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Mild to Moderate and Extensive Support Needs Seminar + Lab 2 hours weekly
SPED 233* (3) - Seminar in Special Educator as Researcher
SPED 280T* (3) - Introduction to Research Methods
SPED 172 (3) - Initial Practicum in Extensive Support Needs [Placement ESN setting 3 days weekly]
Continue with MA coursework
Teach for 3 years (service obligation)
Secure employment
Apply for Preliminary SS Credential
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