Target population
Eligibility requirements for applying
Requirements for admissions/
Teaching employment required for enrollment
Ability to continue current job during program
Tuition for Foundational Courses
Tuition for Credential
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Salary/Living Stipend
Length of Program
Credential Classes
Program Support
Program Design
Credentialing Agency
Employment post graduation
Master’s Degree (Optional)
Step in salary after
ONE year
Clearing Preliminary Credential through an Induction Program
Undergraduate or higher degree holders
Information meeting participation, Degree, CBEST, CSET (50%), and 2.75 GPA(last 60 units)
Degree, CBEST, COC, CSET (100%), TB, Interview, Writing Assessment,
Recommendations, and Pre-service Courses
YES (part-time)
$8,340 (one year)
Automatic eligibility for financial aid through CSUB (up-to $14,000)
$35,000 (living stipend)
$7,000 (supplemental income)
12 months
ONE full day per week
THREE full days per week Clinical &
Co-Teaching with an active cooperating teacher (900 hours of clinical practice)
Employee of school district;
THREE days of clinical co-teaching experience;
ONE day of classes;
ONE day of additional implementation
California State University, Bakersfield
Partner School Districts are committed to hire by the end of program
Opportunity to earn a Master’s Degree through CSUB after preliminary single subject credential program
($7,740 tuition and only 5
additional courses needed).
Appropriate placement for prelim
credential (check with employing
school district)
Early Option Completion (EOC)
in ONE year
Undergraduate or higher degree holders
Degree, CBEST, COC, CSET, and
Pre-service & Credential Courses,
and Employment
Degree, CBEST, COC, CSET, and
Pre-service Courses, and Employment
$8,900 ($4,450 per year)
(varies depending on districts)
24 months
Twice per week in the evenings
Two visits per month (two hours each) from a retired educator acting as a practicum supervisor (600 hours of clinical practice)
Teacher of record;
Teach during the day;
Attend classes twice per week in the evenings
School District, County Office or University
Appropriate placement for intern
credential (check with employing
school district)
Normally two years but Early Option Completion (EOC) is available upon recommendation
High School, Community College, and University students
Follow traditional teacher preparation program eligibility requirements (varies for a CSU, UC and Private)
CBEST, COC, CSET, Pre-service &
Credential Courses
YES (part-time)
Varies for CSU, UC and Private
(depending on program)
Automatic eligibility for financial aid and ability to apply for scholarships
N/A (MUST complete unpaid full student teaching in order to complete program)
24 months
During the day and/or evenings
Varies per program
(check with credentialing agency)
Full-time student;
Attend classes during the day and/or evenings;
Complete student teaching semester
CSU, UC or Private
MUST find on your own
Verify with credentialing agency to find out options for earning a Master’s Degree after completing a single subject teaching credential
Appropriate placement for
prelim credential
Normally two years but Early Option Completion (EOC) is available upon recommendation